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Our Team.

Southside Booster Club Officers. 
    Positions open-
              Vice President, 
              Membership Director
  Please email if you are interested in a position.

Melissa Eckelhoff

Social Media Director

Southside Booster Club Bylaws 


The organization shall be known as the Southside High School Maverick Athletic Booster Club.


  1. To provide financial support on the basis of need for school athletics.

  2. To encourage and help to maintain existing athletic programs.

  3. To aid in the development of student athletes and coaches.

  4. Build spirit at Southside High School events.                              ARTICLE III - ATTENDANCE

  5. Attendance will be open to parents, legal guardians and coaches of students participating in Southside High School  athletic programs.

  6. Attendance is open to any other interested adult.

  7. Attendance of meetings by coaches is welcomed and encouraged.


  8. Meetings shall be held monthly on the first Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. or as otherwise designated 

  9. Meetings will be held in the Media Room at Southside High School whenever possible. Alternate sites may be utilized if necessary or appropriate.

  10. The Booster Club Secretary shall publicize special meetings called by the club President.

  11. Officers and ​attendees​ present at the meetings of the Southside High School Athletic Booster Club shall

    be entitled to vote on club matters. ​An attendee is defined as someone who has been present at a minimum of two previous meetings in the prior twelve month period. W​e feel that informed voters are the best decision makers.


  1. Officers: The officers will be elected by the membership and shall include a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership Director, Merchandise Director, Concession Director, Social Media Director & Event Director.        Only parents, legal guardians, coaches or other district personnel, of Southside High School District or active community members are eligible to be officers.

  2. Vacancies: In the event that an officer cannot perform or choose not to perform their duties for their entire term, the remaining officers may appoint a replacement. The person(s) appointed shall hold office until the end of the term.                                                           Duties of Officers:

  3. President - The President shall perform the following duties:

    1. Preside at all booster club meetings

    2. Call special meetings as needed

    3. Prepare the agenda for meetings

    4. Perform other duties that pertain to the office

  4. Vice President -

    1.  in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of that office and shall discharge other duties as may be required.​​

    2. Be the booster contact with coaches to get schedules, inform       coaches of booster activities.

    3. Order award plaques for athletes that 

  5. Secretary - The Secretary shall perform the following duties:

    1. Keep attendance records

    2. Handle correspondence as necessary

    3. Take minutes at meetings

    4. Complete and submit forms as required by the District Office

  6. Treasurer - The Treasurer shall perform the following duties:

    1. Collect and record funds

    2. Issue receipts and checks for necessary payments as voted on

    3. Give a report of accounts at each club meeting

    4. Distribute $1000 to each sports team in August of each year.  (17 teams as recognized by district)

  7. Membership Director​

    1. Speak at team parent meetings about joining booster club​

    2. Be at Southside events with information about joining booster club

    3. Maintain online registration for joining booster club

    4. Give updates at meetings on membership

 8.    Merchandise Director

        1.  Design, help design, and order new merchandise to sell at                           games, events and lunches.

        2.  Schedule people/students to work merch booth at games in 

              arena & stadium

       3.  Get invoices to treasurer 

​ 9.  Concession Director

  1.  Inventory, purchase & stock concession for games & events

  2.  Schedule students/parents to work concession shifts

  3. Reconcile  money at end of each event.

  4. Give updates about concession at meetings​

10. Social Media Director 

1.   In charge of booster clubs website, Facebook, Instagram & 

           X/Twitter accounts.

2.  Share information & photos about each sport & booster club on accounts

3.  Post schedules and schedule changes for sports 

11. Event Director

        1.  Plan/help plan booster club events for students & student                               athletes.

        2.   Order flowers for senior nights for all sports

        3.   Help officers with treat bags for travel to State/post season 

The term runs  from June 1st to May 31st 

  1. Term:   Officers will hold position until they wish to resign.

  2. Election: Officer Vancancies shall be nominated at the April meeting and elections held at the May meeting.

New officers shall assume their duties at the following meeting in June.


A. Committees can be formed as determined necessary by the board.


A. Fundraising
a. All fundraiser for the following term must be approved as per district requirements.

B. Expenditures
a. All requests for monies from the Booster Club will be presented in person at a regular meeting or by email to President, who will discuss with board members.                                                                                     The request must include the following:

  1. A completed wish list form detailing the specific of the request.

  2. Further discussion and voting will be done at the meeting 


  1. Power to Amend: The motion to amend the club’s bylaws may be brought by an officer of the board.

  2. Vote: Voting on a motion to amend the bylaws will be held at the next regularly scheduled meeting after the amendment was brought before the club. A majority vote of the attendees present prevails.

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